
UploadiFive Forbidden File Type AMR

I am using uploadifive as file uploader in my application.

I am using fileType: to tell the uploader of all the supported file types.

The fileType: takes MIME Types of all the supported file types.

The .amr file is always forbidden by the uploader.

I have tried following MIME Types for amr files audio/amr, audio/Amr, audio/AMR and audio/x-amr

All of these resulted in forbidden file type.

What is the correct mime type for AMR files?


  • I got it working by peeking into the registry [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT] ---> .amr

    The Content Type registry value was missing for the .amr file extension.

    I created this entry and set its value to audio/amr.

    The uploader is working now.