I have a class called Content, whose URL property is nullable (URL: String?). I'd like to store this URL property in my sqlite database using FMDB, but Xcode complains I need to unwrap the optional with !
but the problem is when I do content.URL! it crashes because it's nil.
success = db.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO CONTENT(ID, Icon, Title, Description, URL, IsActive) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", withArgumentsInArray: [content.ID, content.icon, content.title, content.description, content.URL!, content.isActive])
How can I successfully insert URL both when it has and does not have a value?
One approach that I use for cases like this is to create a class extension.
For example:
class func databaseSafeObject(object: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject {
if let safeObject: AnyObject = object{
return safeObject;
return NSNull();
Then you can just use:
to get something that can be directly inserted in the db.