
Qt 5.5 and Qt Installer Framework 2.0.1: Logo is not displayed despite being present in config.xml

I have written an installer for my application using the precompiled Qt Installer Framework binaries, version 2.0.1. However, the Installer window will not display any of my logos in any of the possible ways.

The logo in question is named "installerlogo.png", a 64x64 image with an alpha channel, located at the top of the installer directory structure (same directory as where config/ and packages/ directories are located.)

I made another logo for the purposes of an icon, named "installericon.ico", which is just a 16x16 version of the above, simply renamed to ".ico" (Is this the wrong way to do it?)

I've tried the following in the config.xml file:


But none yield any visual results.


  • After researching some more on the internet about the framework, I now see that all together I had made several mistakes.