I'm working on a game engine and in an earlier question it was suggested that I start using boost::ptr_vector to maintain a list of pointers.
The basic idea is to have several State's, each State has a SceneGraph. Each state has several resources that they initialize, and then stuff its own SceneGraph. The SceneGraph has a boost::ptr_vector that it stuffs the resource pointers in.
Here's the relevant code:
Resource creation and addition to the SceneGraph in TestState
backgroundImage = new DEBUG_NEW Fenris::Node2D::Image(std::string("backgroundImage"), std::string("../media/img/background.jpg"));
sceneGraph->addNode(backgroundImage, Fenris::Core::STRATUM_BACK);
boost::ptr_vector<SceneGraphNode> backStratumList;
// The add() method
void addNode(SceneGraphNode *pNode, STRATUM_TYPE stratumType) {
switch(stratumType) {
Edited main.cpp with relevant lines
PlatformGame::State::TestState *testState = new DEBUG_NEW PlatformGame::State::TestState(std::string("testState"));
// Clean up the previously registered state (deletes its sceneGraph -- verified that the destructor is in fact called via debugger)
delete testState;
// Dump memleak report if we're running in debug mode
#ifdef _DEBUG
I'm using _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() to output a memory leak log report. The log report tells me I have a memory leak;
Detected memory leaks! Dumping objects -> {174} normal block at 0x00A56630, 32 bytes long. Data: <../media/img/bac> 2E 2E 2F 6D 65 64 69 61 2F 69 6D 67 2F 62 61 63 {173} normal block at 0x00A565A0, 8 bytes long. Data: < c > A8 63 A5 00 00 00 00 00 Object dump complete.
Is _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() having trouble with boost::ptr_vector or have I done something wrong? The debugger tells me that State does invoke its destructor (which has; delete sceneGraph) and I've also verified that the SceneGraph's destructor is also invoked.
Any help is greatly appreciated, I'd love to see an empty memory leak report :-)
It sure doesn't look like a vector you're leaking. Note that the string is readable, that's at least one hint.
If you can get the number between the curly braces stable ("{173}") then you can get a breakpoint when the memory is allocated. Put this in your main() function:
_crtBreakAlloc = 173;
Use #include <crtdbg.h>
if necessary. Repeat for 174 to find the other one.