I have a pandas dataframe school_df
that looks like this:
school_id date_posted date_completed
0 A 2014-01-01 2014-01-01
1 A 2014-01-01 2014-01-08
2 A 2014-04-29 2014-05-01
3 B 2014-01-01 2014-01-01
4 B 2014-01-20 2014-02-23
Each row represents one project by that school. I'd like to add two columns: for each unique school_id
, a count of how many projects were posted before that date and a count of how many projects were completed before that date.
The code below works, but I have ~300,000 unique schools, so it's taking a long time to run. Is there a faster way to get what I am looking for? Thank you for your assistance!
import pandas as pd
groups = school_df.groupby("school_id")
blank_df = pd.DataFrame()
for g, df in groups:
df['school_previous_projects'] = df.date_posted.map(lambda x: len(df[df.date_posted < x]))
df['school_previous_completed'] = df.date_posted.map(lambda x: len(df[df.date_completed < x]))
blank_df = pd.concat([blank_df, df])
Here is a version using cumcount (I simplified the dates, but still should work):
import pandas as pd
import io
df = pd.DataFrame({'school_id': ['A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B'],
'date_posted': pd.date_range('2014-01-01', '2014-01-05'),
'date_completed': pd.date_range('2014-01-01', '2014-01-05')})
posted = df.set_index('date_posted').groupby('school_id').cumcount()
comp = df.set_index('date_completed').groupby('school_id').cumcount()
df['posted'] = posted.values
df['comp'] = comp.values
print df
Results in:
date_completed date_posted school_id posted comp
0 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 A 0 0
1 2014-01-02 2014-01-02 A 1 1
2 2014-01-03 2014-01-03 A 2 2
3 2014-01-04 2014-01-04 B 0 0
4 2014-01-05 2014-01-05 B 1 1