I have an iOS App which generates a CSV File and saves it to the working Documents directory of the device. Now when a user presses a button, the UIActivityViewController Share Sheet is displayed which allows you to open send data to other apps.
My question is how do I pass this CSV file to the Share Sheet. I know how to make this work with Text and Images, but not exactly sure how to get this to work with a CSV file. The end result is that I want this file to show up as an attachment in any email client which is selected from the Share Sheet.
This is the code I use to open a document (word, pdf, etc.). Should work for you...
@IBAction func openDocument(sender: AnyObject)
let interactionController = UIDocumentInteractionController(URL: documentURL)
// (build your document's URL from its path in the Documents directory)
interactionController.delegate = self
// First, attempt to show the "Open with... (app)" menu. Will fail and
// do nothing if no app is present that can open the specified document
// type.
let result = interactionController.presentOpenInMenuFromRect(
inView: self.view,
animated: true
if result == false {
// Fall back to "options" view:
inView: self.view,
animated: true)