I work in a factory where 80% of our equipment uses an MS-DOS interface. None of our engineers have experience in c/c++ programming, and it was requested we add some features to the machines interface. Our automation group has abandoned the MS-DOS platform in favor of Allen-Bradley controls. I'm feeling ambitious and decided to take on this project, even though I have next to no experience in c/c++.
On to the question:
All of the programming was written and compiled in Turbo C++. I would prefer to use DEV++ for various reasons (ease of use, additional headers, more developed C++ platform, ect.). The problem is the existing programming relies heavily on non-standard headers from TC++. There are 10 or so headers unavailable in DEV++ in the source code, and rewriting the code using more modern constructs is not an option; we would lose what little support we have from our AG, time, ect.
Is there a way I could add all the headers from TC++ to DEV++? For example adding the graphics.h to DEV++ and have it be fully functional? I have tried adding it to the include folder, calling it with #include"graphics.h", and if DEV++ manages to recognize it, it throws a ton of compiling errors because it doesn't recognize the internal commands in the graphics.h file.
Unfortunately I cannot include any example code from this project, due to non-disclosure and copy-write policies.
My programming experience: DABBLE in RSLogigx500,5000 ; Arduino IDE (don't judge) ; Parker 6K ; PanelView ; ~40hrs of self-taught c and c++.
Any help would be much appreciated.
UPDATE Very helpful information. It seems like this isn't going to be possible given how outdated the hardware is and the restrictions I have on this project, but thank you all for your input.
This is more of a "long comment" than a direct answer to your question, trying to guide you to a better understanding of what MAY be your challenge in your project.
I personally would choose a more "professional" level development tool. Either Eclipse (positives is that this is portable and looks/feels the same whether you use Windows or Linux), XCode (works only on Mac) or Visual Studio (which works only on Windows). These are full featured integrated development environments, and they are all very slick. All of them are free or nearly free.
Compiling OLD code, that is written for DOS into a modern compiler with on a modern OS may be quite a challenge, depending on what the application does and how much in the way of assumptions about it's environment the code is written with:
is 16 bitsfar
and near
pointers, are there driver-like components that interface directly to hardware interruptsOne thing that stands out in your question is the mention of graphics.h
, which I believe is very Borland specific. Which means you'll have to write your own replacement functions - either a replacement graphics.h
set of functions (I expect most functionality is available in any modern OS, it's more a case of "what is it called and what do I need in order to call that function"). This can be quite a task in itself.
The tricky part here is not only to identify what the code does, but to replace it with similar logic, that does the same thing in your new environment.
And of course, it all depends on what you want to do with the code, how well written it is - is it nicely modular, does each function do one thing and one thing only, or are there functions that "This calculates the value of , and then reads some data from disk, then does some I/O to the screen, and then talks to some external hardware, and because it gets calls frequently, also updates the time on the screen if it has changed".