
Mapping both xml element and its attribute using BeanIO

I would like to map the totalAmt tag in below xml file, both its value 100 and it's attribute Ccy.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <totalAmt Ccy="XXX">100</totalAmt>

By reading BeanIO reference guide and posts here I got the impression that only one of them can be mapped.

So my question is: Can BeanIO handle this tag and could you show me how?

What I have tried and didn't work:

<segment name="amount">
    <field name="totalAmount" xmlName="totalAmt"></field>
    <field name="currency" xmlName="Ccy" xmlType="attribute"></field>


  • Close, but you still need to add the segment element inside the segment tag to tell which field the attribute is belong to.


    <segment name="amount">
        <field name="totalAmount" xmlName="totalAmt"></field>
        <segment name="totalAmt">
            <field name="type" xmlName="Ccy" xmlType="attribute"></field>