
Launch Screen illegal Configuration XCode 6.4

I have been trying to fix the compilation issues for the open source project with XCode6.4. I seem to have fixed all the issues but unsure of how to fix the following errors:

DGRunkeeperSwitch/DGRunkeeperSwitchExample/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard: Launch screens may not use instances of IBUISceneExitPlaceholder.,

DGRunkeeperSwitch/DGRunkeeperSwitchExample/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard: Launch screens may only have one top level object, which must be a UIView or a kind of UIViewController.


DGRunkeeperSwitch/DGRunkeeperSwitchExample/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard: Launch screens may not use instances of IBUIStoryboardEntryPointIndicator.

Can someone please provide some pointers on how to go about fixing these errors?


  • "Requirements: Xcode 7-beta or higher." There's likely something new in the LaunchScreen.storyboard that trips up Xcode 6.

    Since the launch screen is not a critical/essential part of the sample code, the easiest fix is to delete the existing launch screen, then create a new one in Xcode 6.


    A launch screen is a splash screen that appears while your app launches. It doesn't have its own view controller, and is not the entry point for an app.

    The example's navigation controller is the app's initial scene.

    Update 2:

    It's not that it's not fixable. Someone with the time and skill could rewrite it to remove the dependencies. Yet it does work as is with Xcode 7, so it's not really practical to fork it.

    The error messages really are self-descriptive, but you may have introduced some of the problems by making some inadvertent/unintentional changes that broke it.

    You could upgrade your tools and project to Xcode 7, find a different third-party component to replace this one, find someone who will fix it for you, or brush up on your skills and rewrite it yourself.