
Use ARM TrustZone to prevent access to memory region from Non-Secure world


I want to have a rich GNU/Linux OS running in the Normal world and a small OS with an integrated Monitor running in the Secure world.


We have to absolutely avoid the Normal world to access the Secure world memory region.


Which feature(s) of TrustZone do we need to use/activate to fulfill this requirement? I'd like to use only the necessary features to minimize the work needed.


I've read quite a lot of ARM TrustZone documentation, I'm aware of TZPC, TZASC, MMU with security extensions, but I can't figure out how to avoid the following threat:

What would stop a hacker, once he gained access to the kernel space, to deactivate the MMU, and directly access the physical memory region of the Secure world?

Maybe this is not even imaginable or feasible? But if it's the case, my guess it that a TZPC is mandatory to prevent this, am I right? Or, does "simply" using the two TrustZone worlds is enough?


  • The untrusted code is running in non-secure state, therefore any bus transactions generated by the CPU will be marked as non-secure, thus it's the inherent functionality of the interconnect that keeps things separate. The secure memory map and the non-secure memory map are actually entirely separate things, it's just that in most systems they are wired up to be more or less identical.

    Now, that "secure world memory" is either going to be some dedicated block (usually on-chip SRAM) that is hard-wired to the secure memory map, or a chunk of general DRAM carved out and made secure-only via a TZPC/TZASC. Either way, it simply doesn't exist in the non-secure memory map, therefore there's nothing non-secure software can do to access it.