
Using StealJS to load Bower components lacking a bower.json file

I am using the StealJS + Bower integration in my application, but a couple of my Bower components (including es6-collections) do not contain a bower.json file. Because es6-collections is one of the dependencies in my project's bower.json file, StealJS tries to load the es6-collections component's bower.json file, cannot find it because it does not exist, and complains: Unable to load the bower.json for es6-collections. I tried using System.config({ path: { 'es6-collections': '...' } }) to notify StealJS of the path to the script to use when loading es6-collections, but that does not help. What can I do to get StealJS to load this component?


  • Assumptions

    So I am going to make a few assumptions:

    If these things seem mostly true-ish then you may just have to add some configuration in your bower.json file to silence the error/warning and have everything work as expected.


    So because the system-bower plugin (which you are using implicitly because steal detects it is being loaded from a bower_components directory) uses the components bower.json files to determine entry points, so in this case the error/warning comes from not being able to find es6-collections bower.json file.


    So we just need to tell System (used by steal) where to find that module and that it can stop looking for it's bower.json file.

    We can do that by adding a "system" property to the bower.json and adding some configuration data like this...

    "system": {
      "paths": {
        "es6-collections": "bower_components/es6-collections/index.js"
      "bowerIgnore": ["es6-collections"],
      "meta": {
        "es6-collections": {
          "format": "global"

    For more information on all these things...

    Just to have a working example here are three files you can copy-paste/clone and then do a bower install and see it working.