I have been using openxml from excelpackage to manipulate excel spreadsheet and I am stumbled on a function called LoadFromCollection.
Here is a sample code to understand.
Dim ws As OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet
ws = package.Workbook.Worksheets(tableName)
Dim OutRange = ws.Cells("A1").LoadFromCollection(newList, True)
My question is what this method is doing and what is the correct way to use this function.
Is there any clear documentation?
Ok from documentation I understand a collection IEnumerable<T>
is loaded from top left row of the range.But how does it map with the cells?
Suppose I have 4-5 custom properties in Type T
.So how does the cells are filled?Is it like
A1 - 1st Property
B1 - 2nd Property
Need more precise explanation.
You can take a look at this link : LoadFromCollection method implementation.
According to the source code it should start from Cell A1
and in the columns of 1st row it should write public properties names of type T
. Next it would create corresponding rows to each element in IEnumerable<T>
collection with actual values of properties in columns.