
Getting error from akka dispatch

I want to implement an async rest via scala dispatch but i get an error, and i don't know why. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

11:    import dispatch._

  def sendRestTo(s: String, body: Option[String] = None) = {

47:         val request = host(s)


[error] file.scala:11: not found: object dispatch

[error] import dispatch._

[error] file.scala:47: not found: value host

[error] val request = host(s)



  • A friend of mine helped me out, thx to anyone who gave it a thought.

    The problem was, that my intelliJ had the library dependencies in its build.sbt, but not imported.

    "net.databinder.dispatch" %% "dispatch-core" % "0.11.2",

    I just imported the lib, and the problem was solved.