I have a Leaflet map that has zoom levels 2-7 and uses the MarkerCluster plugin.
By default I have the L.MarkerClusterGroup
disable clustering at zoom level 2 (which means no clustering) and I'm trying to allow the user to click a button that then changes the clustering zoom level to 5.
Is this possible?
I know I could do it by making two markercluster groups, one that has no clustering and one that has clustering and remove/add it based on click, but that just seems incredibly messy.
Really, there's several ways to do it but they are so incredibly clunky.
Default (2 is the lowest level of zoom):
var markers = new L.MarkerClusterGroup (
disableClusteringAtZoom: 2,
maxClusterRadius: 100,
animateAddingMarkers: true
What I want to do be able to do:
$('#mcluster').click(function() {
//do some code that sets the disableClusterAtZoom to 5
I could not find a way to disable clustering or set a new value for disableClustering at zoom, but I found a less clunky way of achieving this.
var markers = new L.LayerGroup(); //non cluster layer is added to map
var clusters = new L.MarkerClusterGroup (
disableClusteringAtZoom: 5,
maxClusterRadius: 100,
animateAddingMarkers: true
}); //cluster layer is set and waiting to be used
var clusterStatus = 'no'; //since non cluster group is on by default, the status for cluster is set to no
$('#mcluster').click(function( event ) {
if(clusterStatus === 'no'){
clusterStatus = 'yes';
var current1 = markers.getLayers(); //get current layers in markers
map.removeLayer(markers); // remove markers from map
clusters.clearLayers(); // clear any layers in clusters just in case
current1.forEach(function(item) { //loop through the current layers and add them to clusters
} else {
clusterStatus = 'no'; //we're turning off clustering here
var current2 = clusters.getLayers(); //same code as before just reversed
current2.forEach(function(item) {
I'm sure there is a more elegant solution but with my still growing knowledge this is what I came up with.