I am developing a game using Cocos2d-X 2.2.6 on top of Marmalade SDK 7.8.0 and I am having some problems to set the sound effect volume of theCocos Denshion Simple Audio Engine.
My code is this:
void AudioHelper::init()
s3eResult result;
context = GameContext::getInstance();
s3eSoundSetInt(S3E_SOUND_DEFAULT_FREQ, 44100);
audioEngine = SimpleAudioEngine::sharedEngine();
void AudioHelper::preloadSoundEffects()
unsigned int i;
CCArray *keysArray;
CCString *key;
const CCString *sound;
keysArray = soundEffects->allKeys();
for (i = 0; i < keysArray->count(); i++)
key = (CCString *) keysArray->objectAtIndex(i);
sound = soundEffects->valueForKey(key->getCString());
void AudioHelper::setVolume(int volumeLevel)
float volume;
// Note: there are 6 volume levels in my game, they go from
// 0 (max volume) to 5 (no sound).
volume = 1 - volumeLevel / 5.0;
void AudioHelper::playSoundEffect(const char *effectKey)
const CCString *sound;
int volume;
sound = soundEffects->valueForKey(effectKey);
if (sound != NULL)
The problem is that the sound effects volume doesn't change when I call the setVolume method, except when I set the volume level parameter to 5 (no sound). When this happens no sounds are played (as expected).
What I am doing wrong?
did you log actual values in this code?
void AudioHelper::setVolume(int volumeLevel)
float volume;
// Note: there are 6 volume levels in my game, they go from
// 0 (max volume) to 5 (no sound).
volume = 1 - volumeLevel / 5.0;
you cannot mix float and int calculations in such a way. float volume
here would be 1 or 0 anyway, because you are using volumeLevel
as type int. your code should look like this:
void AudioHelper::setVolume(int volumeLevel)
float volume;
// Note: there are 6 volume levels in my game, they go from
// 0 (max volume) to 5 (no sound).
volume = 1.0f - (float)volumeLevel / 5.0f;
also take into account that there is some limitations using CocosDenshion at win platform (no volume changing there).