I'd like some help please. I'm having this link
<?php echo anchor('contact#apply', 'Apply for Job'); ?>
in my Careers
page /view, which redirects to the Contact
, where I have this dropdown menu in my form
$reasons = array(
'request-feedback' => 'I'd like more information please',
'request-a-demo'=> 'I want a demo of your services',
'work-with-us' => 'I am interested in working for youy company', // * this is the option I'm interested in
<?php echo form_label('Reason for getting in touch with us', 'reason'); ?>
<?php echo form_dropdown('reason', $reasons, null, 'class="form-control"'); ?> // * when user applies for job should have the 3rd option pre selected instead of null
<?php echo form_error('topic'); ?>
What I'd like to do is when a user clicks on that link to redirect him to the contact form and have the work-with-us
option pre selected, but only in this case, in any other case the default should be the first one.
How can I do this ?
Note: both Careers
and Contact pages
have this structure
careers/index // i.e. controller/method
so basicaly there are two different controllers
You can do this in this way. In the url, there should be an 'id' to identify that it coming from 'contact/apply' link.You can do it in this way
<?php echo anchor('contact/apply?id=contact', 'Apply for Job'); ?>
in your 'apply' method in 'contact' controller, it can check the id
public function apply(){
//the data send to view page
$this->load->view('view_page', $data);
then in your 'view_page' in the relevant drop down, it can set the selected value
<?php echo form_dropdown('reason', $reasons, $selected_val, 'class="form-control"'); ?>
Hope this will help.