I am new to solr and i have 2 fields say displayName and foodType in my solr currently i am querying from angular using the following code
url: "http://dev2.slim.in:8983/solr/food/select",
data: {
"q": "displayName",
"wt": "json",
traditional: true,
cache: true,
async: true,
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function (data) {
//and when we get the query back we
//stick the results in the scope
$scope.$apply(function () {
$scope.foodResults = data.response.docs;
console.log("result from solr is ",$scope.foodResults)
jsonp: 'json.wrf'
If the displayName matched with the query has the field foodType as indian then i want to boost it higher than other docs how to do it ???
Use a bq
or boost
with the (e)dismax query parser.