
Get last element in Collection

I'm trying to get a property on the last element in a collection. I tried




none works

(tells me I'm trying to use getProperty() on a boolean).

 * Get legs
 * @return \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection
public function getLegs()
    return $this->aLegs;

public function getLastlegdate()
    $legs = $this->aLegs;

    return $legs->last()->getStartDate();

Any idea why ?


  • The problem you have is due because the collection is empty. Internally the last() method use the end() php function that from the doc:

    Returns the value of the last element or FALSE for empty array.

    So change your code as follow:

    $property = null
    if (!$collection->isEmpty())
    $property =  $collection->last()->getProperty();

    hope this help