I want to have a boolean flag and an option that n arguments for my command. Desired example usage:
python manage.py my_command --all # Execute my_command with all id's
python manage.py my_command --ids id1 id2 id3 ... # Execute my_command with n ids
python manage.py my_command --all --ids id1 id2 id3 ... # Throw an error
My function looks like this right now (The body of the function also has the logic to throw an error if both are provided):
@my_command_manager.option("--all", dest="all_ids", default=False, help="Execute for all ids.")
@my_command_manager.option("--ids", dest="ids", nargs="*", help="The ids to execute.")
def my_command(ids, all_ids=False): #do stuff
This works for the --ids option, but the --all option says: error: argument --all: expected one argument
TLDR: How can I have both an option and a command?
Try action='store_true'
from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.script import Manager
app = Flask(__name__)
my_command_manager = Manager(app)
help="Execute for all ids.")
help="The ids to execute.")
def my_command(ids, all_ids):
print(ids, all_ids)
if __name__ == "__main__":