
How to track events on $scope.$broadcast?

I'm using angular-timer and I'm just a little confused how to track its events. For example, I want to do something after time is up, but I can't see any events on console log.

  vm.add20Seconds = function() {
    $scope.$broadcast('timer-add-cd-seconds', 20);

  $scope.$on('timer-add-cd-seconds', function (event, data) {
    console.log(data); // 'Some data'

The console is empty.


  • As the code given in link is not seems to be updated, I think you changed it to use controllerAs syntax. So your button html will use vm alias while calling controller method. Assuming you used ng-controller="MyAppController as vm"


    <button type="button" ng-click="vm.add20Seconds()">Add 20 Seconds</button>

    Else wanted to use $scope in your controller then simply change method to $scope.add20Seconds instead of vm.add20Seconds


    To get call a function after 20 seconds over, you could use $timeout service here, that will call and specified callback when mentioned $timeout completed.


    vm.add20Seconds = function() {
       $scope.$broadcast('timer-add-cd-seconds', 20);
    var myCallbackAfterTimeout = function(){
       //add your code.
    $scope.$on('timer-add-cd-seconds', function (event, data) {
     console.log(data); // 'Some data'
     $timeout(myCallbackAfterTimeout, data); //data is nothing but timeout milliseconds

    Include $timeout dependency in your controller before using it.