How can I create a custom DrawerItem
(1. I need toggle 2. I need boolean state indicator) in the MaterialDrawer library? Here MaterialDrawer author says, that creating custom DrawerItem
is a really easy task, but I can't find it in the documentation of this library.
To implement a CustomDrawerItem
you have to implement the IDrawerItem
interface. This defines all methods which are required. Just take a closer look at the DividerDrawerItem or the SectionDrawerItem
which are both a bit simpler.
public class DividerDrawerItem extends AbstractDrawerItem<DividerDrawerItem> {
public String getType() {
return "DIVIDER_ITEM";
public int getLayoutRes() {
return R.layout.material_drawer_item_divider;
public void bindView(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder) {
Context ctx = holder.itemView.getContext();
//get our viewHolder
ViewHolder viewHolder = (ViewHolder) holder;
//set the identifier from the drawerItem here. It can be used to run tests
//define how the divider should look like
//set the color for the divider
viewHolder.divider.setBackgroundColor(UIUtils.getThemeColorFromAttrOrRes(ctx, R.attr.material_drawer_divider, R.color.material_drawer_divider));
//call the onPostBindView method to trigger post bind view actions (like the listener to modify the item if required)
onPostBindView(this, holder.itemView);
public ViewHolderFactory getFactory() {
return new ItemFactory();
public static class ItemFactory implements ViewHolderFactory<ViewHolder> {
public ViewHolder factory(View v) {
return new ViewHolder(v);
private static class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
private View view;
private View divider;
private ViewHolder(View view) {
this.view = view;
this.divider = view.findViewById(;