
Security problems on Ubuntu OpenERP

Hi I have this code with the xml file and cvs and works perfectly on my openerp 7 on windows but I have a virtualbox machine with ubuntu 12 server. I tried to install the same module and brings me an error why? can anyone help me?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <data noupdate="0">

        <record id="group_monitoreo" model="res.groups">
            <field name="name">Monitoreo</field>

        <record id="group_tecnicos" model="res.groups">
            <field name="name">Tecnicos</field>

        <record id="group_sucursales" model="res.groups">
            <field name="name">Sucursales</field>

        <record id="group_supmonitoreo" model="res.groups">
            <field name="name">Supervisor Monitoreo</field>



<menuitem id="submenu_monitoreo_ordenes" 
name= 'Monitoreo' sequence="10"   

error No such external ID currently defined in the system: ordenes.group_monitoreo this error pops when i install this module on ubuntu but in wondows never comes. why?


  • Did you created that group_monitoreo in .csv file or in OpenERP Settings -> Users -> Groups?

    If you have created a group in setting please create a security group in .csv file so that it'll work on Ubuntu.