I'm using MapKit in my App. Everything is fine except with iOS9. I recently downloaded Xcode7.0 beta 6 and ran my project in iOS9 beta, App is hanged with the following error message in console:
/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/VectorKit/VectorKit- 1134.11/GeoCSS/GeoCSS/StyleSheet.cpp:122 STYL Parse: Decode error here /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/VectorKit/VectorKit-1134.11/GeoCSS/GeoCSS/StyleSheet.cpp:99 STYL Parse: Decode error here
Anyone know what is causing the issue?
Checked with 'Xcode7.0 GM seed' today, the problem is still there.
Anyone facing same?
'Xcode7.0 GM seed' is solved my problem.
The problem is, the device i'm using has a old iOS9 Beta[It was 9.0(13A4254v)], Now i have updated it to 'iOS9 GM' 9.0(13A340).
The issue is automatically solved.
To install iOS9 Beta in device, please refer the link