
Automatically generate graphical documentation for XSD like XmlSpy does

I would like to generate a graphical documentation of some XSD files (XML schema definition). I know, there are a few projects that do a good job generating a textual documentation. But I use XmlSpy and I really love the tree that I get when I click on "print".

I would like to generate this automatically on a continuous integration server. The question is: how can I get this scripted? I found a forum post that sais "it's possible", but I don't have a clue where to start.

EDIT: the focus here is doing it from the command line rather than having a graphical editor.


  • Some ideas:

    I have not tried any of these, I'm happy with what oXygen provides. Try them out. Be aware that asking for tools is typically off-topic on StackOverflow, though continuous-integration is not (hence I decided to answer anyway).