I did a search on NuGet and couldn't find a Lightspeed NuGet package.
I have pro license for Lightspeed 5 so I have all the binaries I need to use Lightspeed in a non-ASP.Net 5 code.
However, it is my understanding that ASP.Net 5 doesn't allow you to allow you to reference DLLs directly, you have to create a NuGet package first.
So, I created a NuGet package of my POCO objects, DB context and Lightspeed references and added it to a .Net Framework 4.5 console application; it added the appropriate references (NuGet spec I used is show below).
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package >
<copyright>Copyright 2015</copyright>
<reference file="$id$.dll" />
<reference file="Mindscape.LightSpeed.dll" />
<reference file="Mindscape.LightSpeed.Linq.dll" />
<file src="..\Mindscape.Lightspeed\Mindscape.LightSpeed.dll" target="lib\net45\Mindscape.LightSpeed.dll" />
<file src="..\Mindscape.Lightspeed\Mindscape.LightSpeed.Linq.dll" target="lib\net45\Mindscape.LightSpeed.Linq.dll" />
However, this didn't work as expect when I tried to add this package to my to my ASP.Net 5 website (package added but using statement causes a compiler error).
Does anyone know a work-around to get Lightspeed working with ASP.Net 5?
Ideally Mindscape would publish a NuGet package.
Turns out the have their own NuGet feed that is listed in the "Keys" section of your subscription