I am using public_activity gem in my app and to track the owner who created the record to track the event model, I am using devise and I have two types of users, individual and company , my code is this to track the owner
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
include PublicActivity::Model
tracked owner: ->(controller, model) { controller && controller.current_individual }
Here the problem is I want to track the owner as current_company if the company is signed in , but public_activity gem doesnt provide multiple owner types
I want to track that if the current_individual is signed in then the owner type and id would be of individual and if company is signed in then according to that.
what i am doing is
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
include PublicActivity::Model
tracked owner: ->(controller, model) { controller && controller.individual_signed_in? ? controller.current_individual : controller.current_company }
but i am getting owner id and type when individual is logged in but not getting owner type and id when company is logged in
Actually owner
is polymorphic as can be seen here:
create_table :activities do |t|
t.belongs_to :trackable, :polymorphic => true
t.belongs_to :owner, :polymorphic => true
t.string :key
t.text :parameters
t.belongs_to :recipient, :polymorphic => true
So it's not a problem to assign owner of different type.
If you want to assign company as owner when company's user is signed-in and a person, when personal account is signed in, you should just make appropriate changes in your code:
tracked owner: ->(controller, model) { controller.current_user.organization? ? controller.current_user.organization : controller.current_user.person }