
Android APK control flow graph with soot

I'm trying to make a control flow graph with the soot API from an Android APK. I have read a lot but i feel a little bit helpless how to start from scratch. I'm using a nighty build of soot (downloaded here: because I read that version 2.5.0 is outdated. I found a lot with google, for example:

First I need to load the Android APK file. On the link it's done with:

SetupApplication app = new SetupApplication(...)

But thats already the first problem, there is no SetupApplication in the nightly build soot.jar.

I did it with the command line, like here:

that worked almost, but building the control flow graph is only the first step. After that I have to manipulate the graphs and use it as an input for some other framework. So command line is no option for me. I would prefer to do it with Java!

Can someone help a soot newbie?


  • For getting call graph through Soot, try the Soot lib located at instead. Then import in your Java source code. Everything should be fine.