
unable to build and install openH264 video codec for ios

I'm trying to install openH264 for ios. Here are the steps I run from the openH264's current directory using terminal:

$ make OS=ios ARCH=armv7

The default location of openh264 installation was set /usr/local in the makefile. So, I just ran the following command

$make install

But I got this error:

nasm -DUNIX64 -DPREFIX -f macho64 -Icodec/common/x86/   -o codec/encoder/core/x86/coeff.o codec/encoder/core/x86/coeff.asm
nasm: fatal: unrecognised output format `macho64' - use -hf for a list
type `nasm -h' for help
make: *** [codec/encoder/core/x86/coeff.o] Error 1

I am following this instructions also to build the codec. Besides after successful installation I have to include it into pjsip for video support. I don't know what is the problem with the command? Thanks in advance.


  • With help of this I solved it.

    Just run :

    $sudo make OS=ios ARCH=arm64 install

    for arm64 architecture. Change the ARCH value to armv7, armv7s for devices and i386 and x86_64 for the simulator. By default it installed in /usr/local/lib directory. I used sudo to get admin privilege as at the end of complication it throwing error that permission denied to mkdir -p /usr/local/lib .