
Using Embedded Felix in Application Container or Application Container Bundle in Karaf and is OSGi a complete IoC container?

Imagine you want to have a highly modular web application in Java. Components are already using Spring framework also. Some components cover only pure Logic and some others also come with some presentation GUIs in HTML. The application is not Portlet compatible but we need to have dynamic menu which promotes the list of installed modules and links to the pages or REST APIs. Since it’s Java, using OSGI is recommended but I got too much confused with the recent features in OSGI (introduced past few years) and I have few questions:


  • OSGi is no IoC container at all. There are some technologies for injection support that run on OSGi though. The most important are declarative services and blueprint. Spring is not really supported. There is some Spring DM support but this code is not maintained for ages.

    So you should use one of the two supported IoC containers above. For aries blueprint I have written support for CDI annotations using the maven-blueprint-plugin. This may be your best bet to convert the application. I recommend to first convert your spring application to use only CDI annotations and only then start the OSGi migration. Such a migration is not easy. Make sure you get some good coaching and consulting.

    Embedded Felix on a servlet container is good if most of you application is non OSGi and you just want to use bundles for a very small part. Karaf is better if you want to write your whole application for OSGi.