
ZIP from Ant build fails to extract from Cornerstone LMS CSOD

I have an Ant build which ends with a simple ZIP task:

<target name="packModule" description="Pack the SCO ZIP">
    <zip destfile="${deploy.dir}/sco_${module}_${lang}.zip" basedir="${deploy.dir}" />

This generates a ZIP file which gets deployed fine on many LMS, including SCORM Cloud. But on CSOD, it throws this error:

Error: Failed to unzip: Zip64 Extended information found but version is not valid

Right now, I have to manually unzip the package generated by Ant Build and rezip using 7-Zip to fix the issue. Please help me resolve this. Am on Windows7, using Ant version: apache-ant-1.9.6 and my JRE is jre1.8.0_45


  • Thanks to @VGR, zip64Mode="never" fixed the issue. I confirm it works fine on CSOD and doesn't require a manual unzip-zip routine. The final task looks like this:

    <target name="packModule" description="Pack the SCO ZIP">
        <zip zip64Mode="never" destfile="${deploy.dir}/sco_${module}_${lang}.zip" basedir="${deploy.dir}" />