
In reactive-banana, is it safe to trigger handler actions from multiple threads?

Is it safe to trigger the fire action in

(addHandler, fire) <- newAddHandler

from a different thread from which the reactive-banana graph was compiled?


  • Yes, this is safe, but there is the caveat that @Cirdec mentioned.

    For conreteness, consider the following example that creates an event network using the addHandler in a separate thread and then calls fire repeatedly in the main thread

    import Control.Concurrent (myThreadId, threadDelay, forkIO)
    main = do
        (addHandler, fire) <- newAddHandler
        let networkDescription :: MomentIO ()
            networkDescription = do
               e <- fromAddHandler addHandler
               reactimate $ (print =<< myThreadId) <$ e   -- reactimate
        forkIO $ do
            network <- compile networkDescription
            actuate network
        forever $ do                                      -- event loop
            threadDelay (10^6)
            fire ()

    (See the documentation "Terminating the program" in Control.Concurrent for why I've put the event loop in the main thread as opposed to putting the network in the main thread.)

    In this and similar situations, the following will hold: