
How to get duplicate elements in array list using guava predicates

I have a array with set of elements. I need to find the duplicate elements in that array by comparing particular field using guava predicated in java.

For example:
I have an arraylist with set of employees details. I need to find details of employees with same name.


  • You can use Guava Multimaps.index method:

    ImmutableListMultimap<String, Employee> byName = 
      Multimaps.index(employees, new Function<Employee, String>(){
          public String apply(Employee e) {
              return e.getName();

    In Java 8:

    Map<Department, List<Employee>> byName =

    Regarding your comment, it seems that you want to filter the list to keep only employees with a specific name.

    So using Guava:

    List<Employee> employees = // ...
    Collection<Employee> filtered = 
        Collections2.filter(employees, new Predicate<Employee>() {
            public boolean apply(Employee e) {
                return e.getName().equals("John Doe");
    // if you want a List:
    List<Employee> filteredList = new ArrayList<>(filtered);

    Using Java 8:

    List<Employee> filteredList =
                                           .filter(e -> e.getName().equals("John Doe"))