cap rubber:create_staging
starts to check the account's EC2 existing security groups. The first check is on the default group, which cannot be deleted from the AWS web-console. So the response to the following prompt is naturally 'N'
* Security Group already in cloud, syncing rules: default
Rule '{"protocol"=>"tcp", "from_port"=>"1", "to_port"=>"65535", "source_group_name"=>"", "source_group_account"=>"460491791257"}' exists in cloud, but not locally, remove from cloud? [y/N]: N
Yet, four checks later,
* Missing rule, creating: {"source_group_name"=>"default", "source_group_account"=>"460491791257", "protocol"=>"tcp", "from_port"=>"1", "to_port"=>"65535"}
/Users/you/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551/gems/excon-0.45.4/lib/excon/middlewares/expects.rb:10:in `response_call': Duplicate => the specified rule \"peer: sg-0910926c, TCP, from port: 1, to port: 65535, ALLOW\" already exists (Fog::Compute::AWS::Error)
Clearly there is an attempt to create an identical rule. The only difference is that the one picked up from the check has an empty string for source_group_name, while the rubber routine tries to create the same rule with the source_group_name identified.
Creating a tag in EC2 web-console with 'source_group_name' and the default value does not change any behaviour. Does this require a fix via EC2 or in rubber?
Edit while the following does effectively work, the source of the problem was rubber versions. The latest was not being used and thus probably was at origin of problem list of versions is here
This can be overcome by creating a new security group in the EC2 web-console and editing the config file rubber/rubber.yml to the same identity created in the console (line 206 or thereabout)
description: The default security group
- source_group_name: rubber_default
Then, in config/rubber/instance- env .yml the security_groups bloc needs amending (line 52 or therabout):
- rubber-default