I am currently experimenting a bit with three.js and I am trying to add a bloom effect. however, when Iadd the bloom, it comes out more as a blur than an actual bloom:
the code:
composer = new THREE.EffectComposer(renderer, renderTarget);
effectBloom = new THREE.BloomPass(1, 25, 5);
and its being rendered with:
composer.render( delta )
I would like to get closer to this:
I had this similar issue. Bloom was just blurring the rendered image. To fix the issue I had to set renderer autoClear to false:
renderer.autoClear = false;
And in my render loop I had to do the clearing manually just before using composer to render the scene:
Check my pen to see this in action: http://codepen.io/jaamo/pen/BoKXrL