
Parse UI Not Found Error in Xcode 7

I recently updated to Xcode 7 and am using the Parse framework in my app (Parse, Bolts, and ParseUI). I have changed nothing, however when I open the app in Xcode 7 I'm presented with one error that says "ParseUI/ParseUI.h not found".

enter image description here

I've deleted Parse UI from link binary with libraries and re-added it to no avail. The error only displays for the #import #import <ParseUI/ParseUI.h> line only in one view controller (despite that I have the same import statement in multiple other view controllers). I also tried adding it to the app delegate (as I saw something about this on another stackoverflow post but that doesn't help either), Any help is greatly appreciated as I'm at a loss.

enter image description here


  • So I ended up figuring out my own problem. Parse made ParseUI a separate cocoapod. I deleted all the parse frameworks I manually added and added the Parse and Parse UI pods. Ran a quick pod install, opened the workspace, cleaned the project, and ran it. It built without errors.