Is it possible to invoke dnu publish
with the --no-source
attribute from MSBuild when triggering the FileSystemPublish
MSBuild command:
/t:Build,FileSystemPublish /p:PublishConfiguration=$(BuildConfiguration) /p:PublishOutputPathNoTrailingSlash=$(build.stagingDirectory)
MSBuild ultimately calls the following:
dnu publish "C:/MyApplication" --out "C:/a/MyApplication" --configuration Release --runtime dnx-clr-win-x86.1.0.0-beta6 --quiet
I would like to append the --no-source
you can pass /p:compileSource=true to set the --no-source option during dnu publish.
(Also, you don't have to use the specific publish target FileSystemPublish, you can set the msbuild property /p:deployOnBuild=true to publish after build.)