I'm trying to create a decent cross-browser rendering engine of canvas text. I have noticed that kerning pairs don't render properly in Chrome, but in Safari and Firefox they work fine.
Try the fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/o1n5014u/
Code sample:
var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
ctx.font = "40px Arial";
ctx.fillText("VAVA Te", 10, 50);
Does anyone have any workaround? I have looked for bug reports, but I can't find anything.
From W3 CSS3 Fonts:
To explicitly turn on the font-kerning
you need to set the font-kerning
property to normal
font-kerning : normal;
Check this JSFiddle
Based on this article on Cross-browser kerning pairs & ligatures, Alternatively you can use the optimizeLegibility
like this,
text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
Check this JSFiddle
The declaration is currently supported by: Safari 5, The Webkit Nightlies & Chrome.
Firefox already uses optimizeLegibility by default for text sizes above 20px.