
Add multiple mock modules in one test with 'addMockModule'

I'm mocking some end-points on an Angular website with Protractor using the following pattern:

// mock.js
// adding the mock module and passing it data
Mock.prototype.all = {
    default: function() {
      browser.addMockModule('httpBackendMock', mockModules.all, {
        data: data

// mockmodules.js
// add dependencies to module and inject it
exports.all = function() {

    $httpBackend.whenGET(/user/).respond(function() {
        return [200,];


    angular.module('httpBackendMock' ['ngMockE2E', 'sportsbook-app'])
        .value('data', {
            'mockData': arguments[0],
            'count': 0
        runBlock.$inject = ['$httpBackend', 'data', 'eventDataSourceManager'];  

// test-spec.js
// call mock from test
it("Mock", function() {


Now this works fine, but I want to be able to add more modules by having multiple modules that all send different data. Example:

Mock.prototype.all = {
    default: function() {
      browser.addMockModule('httpBackendMock', mockModules.allDefault, {
        data: data
    user: function() {
      browser.addMockModule('user', mockModules.allUser, {
        userData: userData

it("Mock", function() {


Like this, none of the mocks seem to be working.

Also within the selenium server I can see that both modules' names are being found:

Executing: [execute script: angular.resumeBootstrap(arguments[0]);, [[protractorBaseModule_, httpBackendMock, user]]])

At first I thought the issue was with


Tried adding this to a separate module and call it after all other modules are called, but still it didn't work. Any ideas?


  • This is working as intended, because both of your mock modules use the same module name identifier, httpBackendMock. You could use a unique name and then the latest module would not override the others.