
Reverse the Plone default sort order in folder_contents

How can i make my folderish custom type display it's object listing in reverse chronological order in folder_contents view?

Default is oldest object at the top of the list, I would like a new object just added to be at the top of the list.

Would be nice if Plone had this feature out of the box... if it does i can't find it.


  • To actually change the obj-position in its parent you can utilize Zope2's OFS.IOrderedContainer-interface for accessing the relevant methods and hook it up on zope.lifecycleevent.interfaces.IObjectAddedEvent, like in this Plone-addon "adi.revertorder" (disclaimer: author=meh):

    In you configure.zcml register the eventlistener:

    <subscriber for="Products.CMFCore.interfaces.IContentish
                handler=".subscriber.revertOrder" />

    And in the handler (here:, define the called method:

    from Acquisition import aq_inner
    from Acquisition import aq_parent
    from OFS.interfaces import IOrderedContainer
    def revertOrder(obj, eve):
        Use IOrderedContainer interface to move an object to top of folder on creation.
        parent = obj.aq_inner.aq_parent
        ordered = IOrderedContainer(parent, None)
        if ordered is not None:
            ordered.moveObjectToPosition(obj.getId(), 0)

    Applies to Dexterity- and Archetype-based contenttypes.

    See also the docs: