I need to reach the the span tag with class = ustatus
and have the jQuery object obtained for id = foo
<td> <input name = 'user' type='radio 'id='foo'/> </td>
<td> <input id='boo'/> </td>
<td> <input id='too'/> </td>
<td> <input id='yoo'/> </td>
<td> <span class='ustatus'> Active </span> </td>
I was trying like:
$("input[name = 'user']:checked").closest('td').find('.ustatus').first().val()
but get undefined
as the value. Where did I make a mistake?
Few Issues in your code:
1) You need to traverse to tr instead of td. as span lies in one of the sibling td of selected radio buttons parent td
2) span element have text/html property associated to it and not value.you need to use .text()
instead of .val()
3) as there is only one ustatus element in tr, you do not need .first()