
Change event didn't work for selectfield?

i am getting struck with sencha touch select field change event. Usual change event is working fine. but in case option values like this,

     xtype: 'selectfield',
     label: 'Choose one',
     options: [{text: 'First Option',  value: 1},
               {text: 'First Option', value: 2},
               {text: 'Third Option',  value: 3}],
     listeners : {
          change : function (selectField, newValue, oldValue)

When this case values are different but display values are same, change event didn't work. Please help to finish this issue.


  • This is issue with Sencha. you can check this link

    But If You have a need to do this then you can do with this way, write this in launch function.

    Ext.override(Ext.field.Input, {
            setValue: function (newValue) {
                var oldValue = this._value;
                newValue = this.getValue();
                this.onChange(this, newValue, oldValue);
                return this;