
How to reset the download when the GetIt package manager fails?

I tried to download the OmniThread lib via GetIt when Delphi crashed.
Other packages downloaded, compiled and installed just fine, so I guess it's a once off.

Now GetIt refuses to install OmniThread, because it sees the partial download, assumes all is well and starts compiling. This breaks with a compile error and GetIt does not allow me to reset the state and clean up the download.

Where does GetIt store its downloads and how do I clean this out, so that GetIt will redownload the source from scratch?


  • Luis Navarro from Embacadero just explained to me:

    Close the IDE, then delete the OmniThread folder from MyDocuments\Embarcadero\Studio\17.0\CatalogRepository After that, you have to edit the registry and delete also the Omnithread folder from HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\17.0\CatalogRepository\Elements

    This worked like a charm.
    Note that for me there was no registry key in the above path for OmniThread yet. Perhaps the key only gets written upon successful installation of the package.
    In that case you only need to delete the PackageName directory and reinstall.