
which algorithm you recommended for human body detection by camera? in opencv

use for drone quadcopter to track human body


  • This problem depend on many factors :

    1. Computational resources.
    2. Quality of images.
    3. How much accuracy do you expect from the algorithm

    By the way, the easiest way for implementing such algorithm is Cascade Classifier which is implemented in OpenCV. You can train your own model or you can use the trained model which exists in openCV files. This method support three feature types: HOG,LBP and HAAR. The base of this method is paper Viola and Jones published on 2001. The test time is near to online in an ordinary computer.

    If you need more accurate method you can try DPM (deformable part models) based method. There are many released version of this method on the internet. The speed of detection is almost 2 HZ.

    If you need more accuracy I suggest you to go forward with CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks). Of Course you need more computational resources (GPU or high spec CPUs)