I'm trying to wrap in my template a block in conditionals:
<div class="widget widget_categories trip_widget">
<div class="kd-widget-title"><h4>Book online</h4></div>
<div class="trip-book-button">
<a href="[(site_url)]book-online.html/#id=[*trip-slug*]">Book now online</a>
I need to show that block only if
is present.
I've read through the forum and the documentation but I can't seem to get the syntax right.
What am I missing?
In Evolution you need the PHx plugin (https://github.com/Temus/PHx) to process resource or template variable tags. With that plugin you could use the following code:
<div class="widget widget_categories trip_widget">
<div class="kd-widget-title"><h4>Book online</h4></div>
<div class="trip-book-button">
<a href="[(site_url)]book-online.html/#id=[*trip-slug*]">Book now online</a>
Placeholder tags inside Ditto are parsed with a (limited) PHx parser and you could use the following inside a Ditto template without the plugin:
<div class="widget widget_categories trip_widget">
<div class="kd-widget-title"><h4>Book online</h4></div>
<div class="trip-book-button">
<a href="[(site_url)]book-online.html/#id=[+trip-slug+]">Book now online</a>
In both cases you could also work with the Evolution core if Snippet.
[[if? &is=`[*trip-slug*]:not_empty` &then=`
<div class="widget widget_categories trip_widget">
<div class="kd-widget-title"><h4>Book online</h4></div>
<div class="trip-book-button">
<a href="[(site_url)]book-online.html/#id=[*trip-slug*]">Book now online</a>
Replace the [* *] with [+ +] inside of Ditto template chunks.