
box-ios-preview-sdk : Memory leak in pspdfkit

I get memory leak for some pdf's in pspsdfkit being used in box-ios-preview-sdk.

initImageAppleJPEG : 1512 : falling back to libJPEG initImageAppleJPEG : 1512 : falling back to libJPEG initImageAppleJPEG : 1512 : falling back to libJPEG initImageAppleJPEG : 1512 : falling back to libJPEG

Post this there is memory warning and the app crashes.

Is there any workaround available for this error. Any help would be highly appreciated.


  • That's a leak inside Apple's PDF renderer, which this version of PSPDFKit uses.

    You can file a radar on - the same leak will happen in Safari/iOS or any other app that uses the CGPDF API.

    Edit: As of PSPDFKit 5 we use our own renderer, so this leak very likely no longer exists.

    (I am a developer of PSPDFKit and was working with Box on their SDK.)