
Nevron Open VISION Evaluation

I was reviewing the NOV for Mac OS X development, in my way I found that they have Nevron Writer for Mac, which is built using their SDK (did any one find the Visio-like application for Mac?), and it seems there is a huge problem in performance and rendering. They mentioned that they are supporting native look and feel, but Writer UI rendering is for sure not native. Is it achieving portability by sacrificing native rendering?


  • Full Disclosure: I work for Nevron

    The Nevron Draw product is about to be released in the next couple of weeks, but is currently not available for download although the version is already built. We are now updating the Nevron Office site ( and it will soon contain information and downloads for Nevron Draw.

    Regarding performance and rendering. What machine are you running the program on? NOV UI for Mac is very fast and in many aspects I would even say faster than native Mac UI controls.

    Regarding native look and feel. We do not use native controls in NOV – the look and feel is made to resemble Mac via CSS. We are going to release a new and updated Mac theme very soon. There are many reasons for which we do not use native controls, including: