
Regex pattern in Word 2013

I have a word document which contains 6 series of numbers (plain text, not numbered style) as following:

1) blah blah blah
2) again blah blah blah
20) something

And this pattern has been repeated six times. How can I used Regex and serialise all numbers before parentheses so that they start with 1 and end up with 120?


  • You can use VBA - add this to the ThisDocument module:

    Public Sub FixNumbers()
        Dim p As Paragraph
        Dim i As Long
        Dim realCount As Long
        realCount = 1
        Set p = Application.ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.First
        'Iterate through paragraphs with Paragraph.Next - using For Each doesn't work and I wouldn't trust indexing since we're making changes
        Do While Not p Is Nothing
            digitCount = 0
            For i = 1 To Len(p.Range.Text)
                'Keep track of how many characters are in the number
                If IsNumeric(Mid(p.Range.Text, i, 1)) Then
                    digitCount = digitCount + 1
                    'We check the first non-number character we find to see if it is the list delimiter ")" and we make sure that there were some digits before it
                    If Mid(p.Range.Text, i, 1) = ")" And digitCount > 0 Then
                        'If so, we get rid of the original number and put the correct one
                        p.Range.Text = realCount & Right(p.Range.Text, Len(p.Range.Text) - digitCount) 'It's important to note that a side effect of assigning the text is that p is set to p.Next
                        'realCount holds the current "real" line number - everytime we assign a line, we increment it
                        realCount = realCount + 1
                        Exit For
                        'If not, we skip the line assuming it's not part of the list numbering
                        Set p = p.Next
                        Exit For
                    End If
                End If
    End Sub

    You can run it by clicking anywhere inside of the code and clicking the "play" button in the VBA IDE.