
Map Windows + JILK to Arrow keys using AutoHotKey?

I can't seem to find how to bind X + Y => Z. Most links online show how to do the opposite. I'm trying to achieve this mapping:

RWin + j :: Left
RWin + l :: Right
RWin + i :: Up
RWin + k :: Down

I tried this syntax RWin&l::Right but it didn't compile.

Any ideas?

Edit: I'd also want it to play nice with the other modifier keys. So that when I press RWin+j and then shift it sends a shift+left (and same with ctrl and alt)

Edit: Thanks to @AleOtero93 here's what I have so far:

; Arrows

; Shift modifier

; Ctrl modifier

; Ctrl+Shift

; Alt modifier

; Alt+Ctrl

; Alt+Shift

; Alt+Ctrl+Shift

; Insert/Delete

; Ctrl+Insert/Delete

; Shift+Insert/Delete

; Home/End

; Ctrl+Home/End

; Shift+Home/End

; Ctrl+Shift+Home/End

; PageUp/PageDown

; Ctrl+PageUp/PageDown

; Shift+PageUp/PageDown

; Escape

I had to disable Win+L which can be done via registry (or a map #l::return? not tested) I'd be interested to know if somebody has a better solution without having to remap modifier keys.


  • I managed to work this out:

    >#j:: SendInput,{LEFT}
    >#l:: SendInput,{RIGHT}
    >#i:: SendInput,{UP}
    >#k:: SendInput,{DOWN}

    >: In modifier keys (suchs as Alt, Shift...) allow only the right one of them. (Use < for the left one)

    #: Shortcut of Win in AHK.

    And after the hotkey you are wanting to use, no spaces, use immediately :

    Also, + is shortcut for shift key.

    And in AHK & is only required for not modifier keys (like a & k), for shift, alt, etc. there is no need of &

    After that, giving a read to AutoHotkey help, I find out that you also need to override the Win+arrow, so you add this:

    >#left:: return
    >#right:: return
    >#up:: return
    >#down:: return

    Also, if disabling that Win shortcuts if what you want, make this change to the registry:

    NoWinKeys REG_DWORD 0x00000001 (1)

    But keep this in mind, Win+L and Win+U can not be overriden, according to AHK help. Hope someone solve that.