
How to populate many2many field based on ids search(wizard)

I need a many2many(product_product_ids) filled based on search result. For example, I have a search button defined on wizard view(search_test):

    <field name="quantity"/>
    <field name="product_product_ids"/>
    <button name="search_test" type="object" string="Search" class="oe_highlight"/>
    <button string="Cancell" class="oe_link" special="cancel"/>

In wizard model, I have defined these fields and functions:

class sale_order_add_balerce(models.TransientModel):
    _name = 'sale.order.add_balerce'
    _description = 'Sale order add balerce'

    _columns = {
    'product_product_ids': fields.many2many('product.product', string='Products'),
    'quantity' : fields.float('Quantity', default='1.0')                
    def search_test(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
        if context is None:
            context = {}
        #search process
        product_ids_list =, uid, [], context=context)
        print product_ids_list
        #populating many2many field
        self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'product_product_ids': (6, 0, [product_ids_list])})
        return {
            'res_model': 'product.product',
            'context': context, 
            'res_id': ids[0] #open wizard again

In line

self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'product_product_ids': (6, 0, [product_ids_list])})

I attempt to update many2many field after search process, but nothing happens and I see no errors I have also tried with these variants:

self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'product_product_ids': (0, 0, [product_ids_list])})

self.create(cr, uid,{'product_product_ids': (6, 0, [product_ids_list])})

self.create(cr, uid, ids, {'product_product_ids': (0, 0, [product_ids_list])})

However, I still don't get my many2many field filled(I don't see any changes in view).

Does anyone have a suggestion?


  • Many2many

    For a many2many field, a list of tuples is expected. Here is the list of tuple that are accepted, with the corresponding semantics.

    (0, 0, { values }) link to a new record that needs to be created with the given values dictionary

    (1, ID, { values }) update the linked record with id = ID (write values on it)

    (2, ID) remove and delete the linked record with id = ID (calls unlink on ID, that will delete the object completely, and the link to it as well)

    (3, ID) cut the link to the linked record with id = ID (delete the relationship between the two objects but does not delete the target object itself)

    (4, ID) link to existing record with id = ID (adds a relationship)

    (5) unlink all (like using (3,ID) for all linked records)

    (6, 0, [IDs]) replace the list of linked IDs (like using (5) then (4,ID) for each ID in the list of IDs)

    See more about Many2many

    default_get :

    Returns default values for the fields in fields_list. default_get method is called when your wizard/form is load, you need to override this method to do this.


    default_get(self, cr, uid, fields_list, context=None):


    fields_list (list) : list of fields to get the default values for (example ['field1', 'field2',])


    dictionary of the default values (set on the object model class, through user preferences, or in the context)


    And finally your solution is overriding default_get method to set default value for many2many field.

    def default_get(self,cr,uid,fields,context=None):
            res = super(sale_order_add_balerce, self).default_get(cr, uid, fields, context=context)
            product_ids_list =, uid, [], context=context)
            res["product_product_ids"] = [(6,0,[product_ids_list])]
            return res