
Integration Testing with Flyway

I'm using Flyway to handle the database migration. Everything is working fine: the default location of the migration files is:


I am running integration tests and my setup uses an separate database schema for integration, which I would like to manage with flyway as well. The integration tests, though, are located in the test folder (not main). When the Flyway bean executes migrate(), it doesn't find the migration files because they are in the main folder. If I put the migration files in test/resource/db/migration/V1... it works.

I really don't want to have to copy these file into the test resource folder, so I don't have to maintain both. Is there a way to force Flyway to use the same migration files for the integration test as for the normal app?


  • I assume you're using Maven? For unit tests both test/resources and main/resources get loaded into the classpath. test/resources files usually take precedence, as they are placed higher up in the classpath - if I recall correctly. Regardless, I don't recommend you do this.

    Instead I recommend you make an entirely different Flyway configuration for integration testing that is in a separate directory (ie test/resources/integration/migration/) and runs after the main/resources/db/migration default one.

    Even then it might be easier to not use Flyway to setup your integration data fixtures and instead use some other database data loading tools like DbUnit (I'm sure there are others).